Telling The Ones Who Need to Hear

Some days we meet expectant moms who are happy, physically and spiritually healthy, married and in stable relationships.

Sometimes we meet moms who are homeless.

Sometimes we meet teenage moms, moms who live with people that they are afraid of, moms who are poor and on aid and not getting through the system to the medical attention they need.

We meet people with these difficult situations every day. We rejoice with them in the prospect of bringing new life into the world, and we help them. We help them find the help they need with the real life difficulties they are facing.

We are just a tiny ministry, meeting mothers where they are, and letting them know there is a way and a person, a place, a ministry, a program, that can help them, because they don't know. They leave us, loved and encouraged and equipped to get the answers and help they need.

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? — Romans 10:14

Danielle Versluys